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Character Design

Given content, students in groups will create a fictional character that would have lived during the Progressive Era, describing their job, work conditions, treatment, wages, hours, and why they are working.
Description of Activity
- As a pair, create a character that demonstrates your understanding of child labor during the Progressive Era. Together you will chose a name for your fictional character, age, their job, how long they work during a day/week, how much they earn in wages, what they do at their job, what the conditions and treatment is like, the child’s health, and why they are involved in child labor. Lastly, you need to draw a picture to go along with your description on a blank piece of computer paper.
Lesson Summative Assessment: students will be summatively assessed on their Character Design assignment, they will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge of child labor and put themselves in the shoes of the children who worked in those conditions
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